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Author: Ivo Frank


Energy self-sufficient temperature data loggers for food logistics

SenseING bringt energieautarke Temperatur Datenlogger mit integriertem Solarpanel auf den Markt. Allein durch die Beleuchtung in Fahrzeugen und Lagerhallen erzeugt der Logger genügend Energie, um autark zu arbeiten.

Um die lückenlose Einhaltung der Kühlkette bei temperaturempfindlichen Gütern zu gewährleisten und Risiken zu minimieren, sind Logistikunternehmen verpflichtet, die Temperatur in regelmäßigen Abständen zu kontrollieren und aufzuzeichnen. Bisher geschieht dies oft manuell, was einen hohen Personalaufwand bedeutet und Fehlerquellen birgt.

Der Datenlogger lädt sich über sein Solarpanel selbst auf.

Autarker Temperatur Datenlogger für lückenlose Datenerfassung

Der neue Temperaturlogger mit der Bezeichnung „SLC-PV“ des Karlsruher Unternehmens dokumentiert die Temperatur und die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit auf der Ladefläche von Fahrzeugen. Die große Besonderheit des Loggers ist seine autarke Energieversorgung. Dank eines Solarmoduls lädt der Logger seinen Energiespeicher selbstständig auf und das auch ohne Tageslicht. Für den autarken Betrieb benötigt der Logger lediglich 250 Lux und kommt somit bereits mit der Beleuchtung in Hallen oder in Fahrzeugen aus. Lästige Batteriewechsel gehören damit der Vergangenheit an und mögliche Datenverluste sind ausgeschlossen. Logistikunternehmen können sich somit auf eine kontinuierliche Datenerfassung ohne manuelles Eingreifen oder Ablesen der Temperaturwerte verlassen.

Die automatisierte Datenerfassung des Loggers ermöglicht eine lückenlose Übertragung der gesammelten Informationen. Am Lagerort angekommen, werden die Daten automatisch über den Funkstandard LoRaWAN übermittelt, die die Daten in die Cloud übertragen, wo sie analysiert, visualisiert und verwaltet werden können. So können Unternehmen ihre Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitswerte einfach und effizient überwachen und automatisierte Berichte erstellen. „Darüber hinaus bietet SenseING die Übernahme der erfassten Daten in bestehende Kundensysteme über standardisierte Schnittstellen an“, erklärt Geschäftsführer Sven Kruse.

Die Integration der autarken Temperaturlogger ist einfach und unkompliziert. Die Logger werden vorkonfiguriert ausgeliefert und können in wenigen Schritten in Betrieb genommen werden. Dabei können die Logger auch problemlos zur Temperaturdokumentation in Lagerhallen eingesetzt werden.

Automatisiert Auflagen erfüllen

Die automatische Datenübertragung ermöglicht eine lückenlose Dokumentation der Temperaturwerte während des gesamten Transport- und Lagerprozesses. Somit können Logistikunternehmen nicht nur den personellen Aufwand und die Fehlerquellen reduzieren, sondern auch die Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit ihrer Temperaturüberwachung verbessern. Zudem unterstütz die dauerhafte Dokumentation die Logistikunternehmen bei ihren Qualitätsmanagement-Audits.

“Alles in allem bieten wir mit unserem autarken Datenlogger Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, ihre Effizienz zu steigern, Kosten zu senken und ihre Betriebsabläufe zu optimieren”, so Kruse abschließend.

Der autarke Temperatur Datenlogger mit integriertem Solarpanel ist ab sofort verfügbar. Darüber hinaus bietet SenseING weitere Logging-Lösungen entlang der Lieferkette an. Unternehmen, die ihre Logistikprozesse optimieren und ihre Temperatur- und Feuchtewerte zuverlässig überwachen möchten, sind herzlich eingeladen, weitere Informationen anzufordern.

LPWAN technologies and their applications

Anyone who is concerned with the Internet of Things (IoT) has probably come across the term LPWAN. But what is it and what are its advantages? In this article you will learn everything you need to know about LPWAN and its use cases.

What is LPWAN?

LPWAN, Low Power Wide Area Network, refers to technologies and network protocols that are used to network wireless devices. The technologies enable the transmission of small amounts of data over long distances with extremely low energy consumption. They are divided into licensed and non-licensed technologies.

Advantages of LPWAN technologies

Die Hauptvorteile der Technologie sind bereits im Namen enthalten: Low Power und Wide Area. Der geringe Energiebedarf erhöht die Batterielebensdauer der Geräte erheblich, so dass diese in der Regel über mehrere Jahre wartungsfrei betrieben werden können. Die hohe Reichweite ermöglicht die Verbindung von Geräten über mehrere Kilometer hinweg, was besonders in ländlichen und abgelegenen Gebieten von Vorteil ist. Damit verbunden ist eine hohe Durchdringung von Objekten und Materialien. Im Vergleich zu höherfrequenten Funktechnologien wie zum Beispiel Wi-Fi oder Bluetooth, durchdringen LPWAN Signale Hindernisse wie Wände und Gebäude sehr gut.

In addition to the low energy requirements and the high range, licence-free networks provide additional popularity. This is because they do not incur any licensing costs.

Den Vorteilen gegenüber stehen jedoch die niedrigen Datenraten, denn diese bewegen sich meistens in einem Bereich von wenigen 100 bit/s bis hin zu einigen 100 Kbit/s. Somit eignen sich die Technologien hauptsächlich für Anwendungsfälle, welche mit einer geringen Bandbreite auskommen.

What technologies and standards are there?


LoRaWAN stands for Long Range Wide Area Network and is a licence-free radio standard of the LoRa Alliance. The radio standard uses licence-free frequency bands, which can vary from country to country. In Europe and many other countries, the technology uses the 868 MHz or 433 MHz frequency bands, while in North America it uses the 915 MHz frequency band.

The networks can be built locally or globally and provide a secure and scalable infrastructure for IoT applications. The technology is supported by various manufacturers and service providers and is an important part of the growing IoT ecosystem.


NB-IoT stands for Narrowband Internet of Things and is a radio standard for the Internet of Things (IoT). The standard uses existing mobile networks and has a very narrow bandwidth, which makes it very energy-efficient.

NB-IoT networks use existing LTE masts and antennas that are well developed. So, unlike LoRaWAN and Sigfox, using NB-IoT requires no investment in network infrastructure, regardless of where the devices are located in the world. This, in turn, allows manufacturers to develop internet-enabled devices that can connect right out of the box.

LTE-M (Cat-M2)

LTE-M (Long Term Evolution for Machines), auch als Cat-M2 bekannt, ist eine lizenzierte Variante des 4G-LTE-Netzwerks, das auch für die schnelle Übertragung von Daten und die Nutzung mobiler Breitbanddienste für Smartphones und Tablets verwendet wird. Im Vergleich zu anderen LPWAN-Technologien verfügt LTE-M über eine wesentlich bessere Datenrate. Zudem finden IoT-Geräte welche LTE-M nutzen fast überall eine gute Verbindung, da 4G das am weitesten verbreitete Mobilfunknetz ist.


Sigfox is a French company that offers an eponymous licensed LPWAN network for the Internet of Things (IoT). Like other LPWAN technologies, Sigfox is specifically designed for the transmission of small amounts of data from IoT devices. For this purpose, the network uses the radio frequencies 868 MHz in Europe and 902 MHz in the USA. Sigfox is only approved by a few network operators per country. Thus, network coverage of Sigfox varies regionally and depends on the availability of Sigfox base stations. In addition, the transmission capacity of Sigfox is very limited. Only 140 messages with up to 12 bytes each can be sent or 8 bytes received per day.

Areas of application

LPWAN technologies are used almost everywhere where a wireless connection is needed, but the data transmission rate and data volume requirements are relatively small. In the area of smart cities, LPWAN networks can be used, for example, to monitor environmental conditions such as air quality and noise levels. The technologies are also suitable for monitoring car parks or waste containers.

Another area of application is Asset Tracking, dabei geht es um die Lokalisierung und Überwachung von beweglichen Objekten wie Fahrzeuge, Geräte oder Transportbehälter. Mit den drahtlosen Technologien können diese Objekte in Echtzeit verfolgt werden wodurch eine effizientere Lieferkette ermöglicht wird.

In agriculture, LPWAN networks can be used to monitor soil moisture, temperature and other parameters. This increases crop yields and reduces water consumption.

Weitere Anwendungsfälle könnten sein:

  • Intelligent building and energy management
  • Monitoring of supply and disposal systems
  • System monitoring
  • Supply chain management
  • Intelligent traffic and transport management
  • Health and medical applications
  • Home automation and smart home solutions

Overall, LPWAN offers a cost-effective and practicable solution for networking devices and transmitting small amounts of data over longer distances. Although the data rates are limited compared to other technologies, they are sufficient for very many use cases and enable reliable and, above all, energy-saving networking.

IoT in supply chain management

Supply chain management can be fundamentally changed through the use of IoT devices. Find out what the challenges are and how the IoT can improve the supply chain in this article.

  1. Challenges in supply chain management
  2. How can the Internet of Things improve the supply chain?
  3. Examples for the implementation of IoT devices in the supply chain
  4. Conclusion

The supply chain describes the network of companies that ensure that goods get from A to B without interruption. Due to economic growth and globalisation in recent years, these very companies must act in an increasingly networked and efficient manner. Digitalisation offers numerous opportunities for optimising and automating processes.

Challenges in supply chain management

Die Lieferkette beschreibt das Netz von Unternehmen, die dafür sorgen, dass Waren ohne Unterbrechung von A nach B gelangen. Aufgrund des Wirtschaftswachstums und der Globalisierung der letzten Jahre müssen genau diese Unternehmen immer vernetzter und effizienter agieren. Die Digitalisierung bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, Prozesse zu optimieren und zu automatisieren.

  • Transparency and visibility
    Due to the high volumes, it can be difficult for companies to know where and in what condition a delivery is at any given time.
  • Responsiveness
    To prevent delivery failures, companies must be able to react quickly to disruptions.
  • Cost control
    Storage, transport and processing costs must be minimised to increase the profitability of companies and thus make them more competitive.
  • Identification of problems & faults
    Companies must be able to clearly identify and minimise supply chain disruptions and quality problems.

How can the Internet of Things improve the supply chain?

Logistics is already classified as highly digitalised, because as a rule, some areas of the supply chain are already interconnected. This already forms a good basis so that new technologies such as IoT devices can be implemented quickly and easily into existing processes. The Internet of Things (IoT) has proven to be a powerful tool to optimise industrial processes, because IoT creates one thing above all: transparency.

According to recent studies by research institutes such as Statista, up to 30 billion networked devices are expected to be in operation by 2030 [1] and provide more transparency in processes. Due to the complexity of supply chains, they offer particularly great potential for networking processes and optimising or automating them in the process.

Equipping a returnable transport package with a LoRa Tracker

In order to gain more transparency, companies can use IoT sensors and devices to, for example Track deliveries. Dabei lassen sich zeitgleich die Umgebungsbedingungen wie zum Beispiel Monitor temperature and humidity. Furthermore, by monitoring parameters, it is also possible to determine whether a delivery has been improperly handled or damaged. This enables companies to guarantee the quality of their deliveries. In addition, possible problems in the supply chain are identified and can be eliminated.

Through the use of IoT devices, real-time inventories can also be mapped. This allows companies to react quickly to changes in stock levels and thus avoid overstocking and shortages. In addition, IoT devices can automatically place orders when stock is running low.

Examples for the implementation of IoT devices in the supply chain

  • tracker can be attached to deliveries, load carriers or transport packaging. They provide information about stock levels or the position of the item or delivery.
  • Datalogger can be attached to goods in vehicles or transport containers such as thermal containers. They are used to automatically document temperature and humidity, for example.
  • Smart storage racks & scales can be used to automate ordering processes or send alerts when stock is low to optimise inventory management.


The IoT has the potential to fundamentally change supply chain management. Through more transparency in the supply chains, the players can increase their efficiency and reduce costs. In addition, the use of IoT devices can open up new business areas, for example by allowing companies to offer additional services for their deliveries. All in all, it can be said that the Internet of Things will play an important role in the world's supply chains in the coming years.


[1] Statista: Number of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices worldwide from 2019 to 2021, with forecasts from 2022 to 2030

Donations for Studio 913

SenseING GmbH collected donations for the 913 Studio as part of its third company festival.

On 1 October, the SenseING GmbH invited Business partner und Unterstützer zum dritten Firmenfest ein, welches nun offiziell als Tradition gilt. Gemäß dem Anlass wurde ein ebenso traditionelles Fest veranstaltet – ein Oktoberfest. Auf gar keinen Fall durfte dabei die jährliche Spendenaktion fehlen, welche SenseING 2021 zum ersten mal ins Leben rief. Denn das Fest, welches als Zeichen der Dankbarkeit für die gute Zusammenarbeit und Unterstützung etabliert wurde, soll auch genutzt werden um gemeinsam Gutes zu tun. So nutzte SenseING die Aufmerksamkeit um in diesem Jahr Spenden für das 913 Studio – Verein zur Förderung der Bildung, Kunst und Kultur e.V. zu sammeln.

Geschäftsführer Sven Kruse übergibt einen Spendenscheck an Vereinsvorsitzenden Ralf Türbach. Die beiden stehen von einer Graffitwand.
Sven Kruse (left in the picture) hands over the donation cheque to association chairman Ralf Türbach.

Strengthening self-confidence with music

Als Folge der Corona-Pandemie musste das Vereinsangebot stark eingeschränkt werden. Mit dem gespendeten Geld möchte das 913 Studio nun das Angebot wieder erweitern. So soll im Frühjahr 2023 der Kurs “Einführung in die Aufnahme- und Musikproduktion” anlaufen. Der Kurs richtet sich konkret an Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 7 und 20 Jahren, welche in mehreren Terminen die Basics der Aufnahme- und Musikproduktion vermittelt bekommen. Darüber hinaus werden gemeinsam echte Aufnahmen von Podcasts, Texten oder Liedern produziert. Das Ziel des Kurses: Die eigene CD mit den selbst produzierten Werken. Gefördert wird dadurch vor allem das Selbstbewusstsein sowie die Medien- und Sprachkompetenz der Kinder und Jugendlichen. Für die Teilnehmer*innen ist der Kurs dabei kostenlos.

Digital device management goes into series production

Series production of the tracking solution träck is running at full speed. The first deliveries will take place as early as October.

Digital device management requires one thing above all: transparency. Creating more transparency in processes is SenseING's main goal. SenseING relies on complete IoT solutions that are delivered pre-configured and can be put into operation in just a few steps. This also applies to the tracking solution träck, which was developed specifically for use in the construction industry. In the future, the solution, which consists of three components, will ensure more transparency on construction sites and building yards, because it can be used to track small equipment such as vibratory plates, compressors, etc. as live inventories, automate prescriptions, reduce search times and thus increase productivity.

The principle is very simple: All devices and tools to be tracked receive a tracker (transmitter). Construction sites and warehouses/building yards are equipped with gateways (receivers). The trackers exchange collected data via radio technology. LoRa with the gateway. The gateway in turn sends the data into an IoT platform using the mobile network and into existing systems via standardised interfaces.

Digitales Gerätemanagement: Ein Tracking Sensor wird an den Griff einer Rüttelplatte angebracht.

At the centre of the solution is the tracker, which is just 40×40 mm in size and is now being produced by the thousand. It contains climate and motion sensors, which make it possible to derive information about the status and utilisation of the devices. The compact tracker shines especially with its battery life, because thanks to its low energy consumption it achieves battery runtimes of up to four years.

Do you need implementable device management? Contact us right now for more information.

Digitize equipment management - How to optimize the management of your equipment and machinery in the construction industry

In the construction industry, extensive inventories and the parallel handling of many projects are not uncommon. Maintaining an overview is a real challenge. In this article, we explain how you can simplify the administration process by digitizing your equipment management.

Construction project management and the associated logistics, i.e. getting equipment and goods to the right place at the right time, is a mammoth task. The many parallel project locations and a large number of changing players provide many sources of error in the exchange of information. It is therefore not uncommon for equipment and goods to be unused and available in excessive quantities at project sites, while they are urgently needed elsewhere. In addition, project sites often exchange equipment among themselves without having passed through a central warehouse beforehand. It is almost impossible to maintain an overview. This in turn leads to unproductive time and significantly increases search times. In the worst case, costs are even incurred for the superfluous acquisition of new equipment or new purchases due to losses.

Digitize device management through tracking

Device management in construction is a big lever for efficiency and effectiveness in construction. IoT devices operate this very lever. By equipping equipment with trackers and equipping warehouses and construction sites with gateways, construction companies obtain digital inventories. On the one hand, the software makes it possible to see which devices or goods are in the warehouses at the current time, which devices are at which construction site, or where a device is currently located. This also makes it possible to track the relocation of equipment between projects.

Geräetemanagement digitalisieren – Das Foto zeigt eine Rüttelplatte auf einem Bauhof. Am Gerät ist ein kleiner ca. Benzinfeuerzeug großer Tracker angebracht.
A vibrating plate is equipped with a small LoRa tracker and sends data to the IoT platform.
Time saving thanks to live inventory

Digitizing equipment management optimizes the logistics process in the construction industry on various levels. On the one hand, this actively reduces search times, because the location of a piece of equipment can be found out with just a few clicks. This makes time-consuming phone calls or even searches a thing of the past. On the other hand, it significantly reduces non-productive time, thanks to the faster provision of equipment.

Automated prescription on projects

The time savings are also noticeable in administration. The tracking system posts devices to the corresponding projects completely automatically. This significantly reduces the administrative effort and prevents incorrect bookings.

Reduction of the inventory according to demand

Acceleration and climate sensors installed in the trackers provide information about the utilization of equipment. In this way, historical data can be used to avoid superfluous new purchases or even to optimize the equipment fleet according to need on the basis of the data.


It has long been clear that digitization is not a trend, but a task that will take a lot of work off our hands in the future in our private and, above all, our business lives. It goes without saying that the integration of IoT systems and trackers involves investments. But those who take the step will quickly realize the enormous added value that digital helpers can deliver. Because information can be retrieved with just a few clicks, automated processes in the background and the considerable acceleration of communication ensure that device management is only a secondary matter.

Digitalization in logistics - How IoT is changing an industry

Logistics is one of the largest and most dynamic industries and therefore also one of the industries that benefits most from digitalization through IoT solutions. But in which areas are IoT solutions used and which solutions are available? Find out in this article.

Logistics, i.e. the planning, coordination and control of the flow of products, raw materials and information, is indispensable for the economy. In Germany alone, the logistics industry turned over around 279 billion euros in 2020 (source: Statista - Sales of the logistics industry in Germany), making it one of the three largest industries in Germany. Hardly any other industry holds more potential for the use of intelligent solutions, because countless process data are generated along a supply chain. In other words, there are countless opportunities to network processes and optimize operations.

But why is the digitization of logistics so important?

The logistics industry has been on a growth course for years, with Corona playing a major role in the industry's 26.5% growth in 2020. Further growth is also expected in the coming years thanks to e-commerce. The increased volume requires companies to work ever more efficiently. This in turn requires transparent processes, because efficiency depends heavily on the clarity and networking of a supply chain. There are numerous advantages that networked supply chains bring with them:

  • Cost savings: The avoidance of unnecessary transport, optimization of delivery routes and better capacity utilization ensure cost savings. In addition, inventories can be optimized and the associated costs reduced.
  • Increased speed: One of the most significant advantages of digital logistics is speed, which can be significantly increased through full networking. Digital solutions collect data, evaluate it and deliver optimized results for storage or transport.
  • Reduction of error-proneness: Digitization replaces paper and analog planning charts. This reduces sources of error and processes can be called up digitally at any time.
  • Environmental protection: Digital assistants report optimal routes as well as suggestions for improving the driver's driving style.
Eine blaue Mehrwegtransportverpackung steht auf einem Tisch. An der Verpackung hängt ein IoT-Tracker. Im Hintergrund ist unscharf das Logistik-Lager zu sehen..
A returnable transport package collects data via a tracker.
What are the options?

IoT systems can add value to logistics processes in a wide variety of places. In the area of freight, for example, goods are networked with trackers or beacons. This prevents loss or damage to the goods and provides transparency along the entire supply chain. Trackers can provide great added value, especially in the area of food logistics. The continuous recording of temperature and humidity by means of sensors fulfills fully automated documentation requirements for temperature-controlled transports. At the same time, the trackers ensure the safety of the food.

The IoT also makes everyday life easier in transport vehicles. Here, data on the status of vehicles can be used to maintain them in advance (predictive maintenance). This saves costs and, above all, time-consuming breakdowns.

Not least in the area of order picking, IoT systems speed up processes. Here, for example, pick-by-light systems ensure higher speeds by providing visual signals to indicate the correct compartment to the pickers. More comprehensive systems also indicate the correct number of items.

The possibilities are many and the ever-increasing volume of goods to be processed requires the logistics company to work ever more efficiently, because outdated technologies and processes are no longer competitive.