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Author: Sven Kruse


Sustainable technology: data logger with energy harvesting

The omnipresent role of technology extends to all areas of life and plays a central role in industry in particular. However, the use of technology always goes hand in hand with the use of resources and has a significant influence on the shaping of our environment. Against this background, sustainable behaviour and environmental protection are rightly becoming increasingly important. As an innovative company, SenseING also contributes to the development of responsible and sustainable products.

What is sustainable technology?

Sustainable technology is an innovative approach to the development and use of technological solutions that aims to minimise the impact on the environment and promote social responsibility. This approach is reflected at various levels, which can have a positive impact in equally diverse areas.

Renewable energies, for example, are a central aspect of sustainable technologies and include the utilisation of environmentally friendly energy sources such as sun, wind, water and geothermal energy. This form of energy generation reduces dependence on non-renewable resources and at the same time reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The efficient use of energy and resources also plays a crucial role. Technologies to improve energy efficiency in buildings, means of transport and industrial processes help to minimise consumption and thus reduce environmental pollution.

Recycling is another level of sustainable technology. By developing advanced recycling processes and increasing the recyclability of products, resources can be reused more efficiently, reducing not only the amount of waste but also the need for primary raw materials.

Digital technologies also contribute to sustainability by offering innovative solutions for environmentally friendly processes, intelligent urban development and environmentally conscious data collection.

All in all, sustainable technology is a multi-layered approach that works at various levels to promote environmentally friendly, socially responsible and sustainable development.

How SenseING designs sustainable products

Disposable data loggers are frequently used in the transport sector in particular. Although these are practical, their short-term benefits are often at the expense of the environment. SenseING has set itself the goal of solving this problem by using reusable loggers. We develop and produce products that are designed for durability and reliability so that our customers can benefit from our solutions for a long time. In doing so, we actively consider the various levels of sustainable technology:

Energy harvesting: energy from the environment

In its products, SenseING SLC-PV and SNC-PV relies on the integration of indoor solar cells, which enable self-sufficient operation of the data loggers. The use of solar energy has not only ecological but also practical advantages. Thanks to the continuous energy supply, our data loggers can supply themselves with energy over very long periods of time. This not only saves the hassle of changing batteries or recharging, but also significantly reduces the total cost of ownership. Thanks to the intelligent utilisation of indoor lighting in buildings, the data loggers can also be operated in environments where no direct sunlight is available. At the same time, the problem of assigning data to objects is solved, as self-sufficient data loggers can be permanently attached to products such as insulated containers. Manual assignment processes, as required with disposable data loggers, are thus completely eliminated.

Ultra-Low Power

Even the interior lighting in buildings is sufficient to operate the data loggers autonomously.

Die Energieeffizienz unserer Datenlogger ist ein entscheidender Faktor. Dank unseres innovativen Ultra-Low-Power-Designs haben die Logger einen extrem niedrigen Energieverbrauch. Dies ermöglicht nicht nur den Langzeitbetrieb von batteriebetriebenen Loggern über mehrere Jahre, sondern auch den autarken Betrieb mit Hilfe von Energy Harvesting Modulen – selbst in Umgebungen ohne direktes Tageslicht. Die Fokussierung auf Ultra Low Power eröffnet neue Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige und effiziente Nutzung von Energiequellen in verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen, insbesondere im IoT area.

Recyclable design

SenseING's sustainable approach is also reflected in the hardware of its products. An integral part of the product design is the consistent focus on recyclability. Our products are designed so that they can be easily recycled at the end of their service life in order to minimise the environmental impact and make optimum use of resources. The modular design also allows components such as the housing to be replaced in the event of damage, so that the centrepiece of the hardware, the electronics, can continue to be used.

If you would like to find out more about how our Data loggers and sensors work or how they are used in your industry ,we are at your disposal. Contact us and discover how sustainable technology is revolutionising the way we collect and analyse data.

Digitalisation in the health sector

The healthcare sector today faces a multitude of challenges that require continuous development in order to meet increasing demands and the shortage of skilled workers. The digitalisation of processes is a promising answer to these challenges. In this article, you will learn how digitalisation can optimise processes in the healthcare sector and thus save costs and relieve staff.

What does digital healthcare mean?

Digitisation in healthcare refers to the integration of digital technologies and solutions to improve the efficiency, quality and accessibility of healthcare.

The applications can be very versatile. In addition to electronic patient shares, telemedicine, robot-assisted surgery, IoT solutions such as wearables and smart buildings also ensure greater efficiency in the healthcare sector. As experts for the Internet of Things (IoT), we will go into more detail below on how IoT solutions can create added value in the healthcare sector.

Bevor wir uns den konkreten Anwendungen von IoT-Lösungen im Gesundheitswesen zuwenden, ist es wichtig, das Konzept des IoT zu verstehen. IoT bedeutet “Internet der Dinge” und bezieht sich auf die Vernetzung physischer Geräte und Objekte über das Internet. Diese Geräte und Objekte sind mit Sensoren, Aktoren und Kommunikationstechnologien ausgestattet, die es ihnen ermöglichen, ohne direkte menschliche Interaktion Daten zu sammeln, Informationen auszutauschen und auf Befehle zu reagieren.

Digital infrastructure creates more overview

In the digitalisation of healthcare, IoT solutions have the potential to improve the efficiency, safety and quality of patient care. This is because by integrating smart sensors that capture data in real time and using the latest communication technologies, IoT solutions enable seamless networking of medical devices, facilities and medical staff. This intelligent networking creates a digital infrastructure that provides a comprehensive overview of the health status of patients, the operation of medical facilities and the use of resources. With this knowledge, decision-makers can make informed, data-driven decisions and optimise processes. The following practical applications show how the IoT optimises everyday processes by networking objects.

1.Precise temperature monitoring: protection for medicines, samples and foodstuffs

The temperature ranges of medicinal products specified by the manufacturer may not be exceeded or undercut during storage in pharmacies - this is stipulated by the Pharmacy Operating Regulations.ApBetrO §4, §29The situation is similar for foodstuffs. The EU Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 on food hygiene, which came into force on 1 January 2006, makes it obligatory for everyone who handles food or puts it into circulation to establish a HACCP concept. HACCP concepts are internal self-control systems to guarantee food safety for the consumer and also provide for the documentation and control of temperatures.

Often, the checks are carried out and documented manually, which is time-consuming and labour-intensive, offers an increased risk of errors and makes evaluation difficult. This is where IoT-enabled sensors provide a remedy. Because they enable precise and automated Monitoring temperatures in medicine cabinets, laboratories and canteens. The intelligent sensors detect temperature and humidity and continuously send data to central platforms. Medical staff and administrators receive immediate notifications when temperatures are outside the specified range. This allows them to respond immediately to ensure the integrity of medicines, samples and food. The accuracy of temperature monitoring contributes to improved patient safety and optimised resource utilisation.

2. Patient Monitoring

Wearables in the form of wristwatches and sensors can monitor patients and collect important health data such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and activity level. This data can be transmitted in real time to medical staff to enable continuous monitoring and timely intervention in case of changes in health status or falls, etc.

3. Smart Buildings: Automated Buildings

In the building sector, there are numerous IoT applications that can optimise building efficiency, energy consumption, space utilisation and resource use. For example, lighting and air conditioning can be automatically adjusted to demand in order to save energy. In addition, IoT sensors can detect which rooms are currently being used and which are empty. In this way, the use of space can be optimised and it can be ensured that resources are used efficiently. Smart cameras and sensors can also help increase security in medical facilities. They can detect potential security risks such as unauthorised access and inform staff in time to react appropriately.

4. Networked Medical Devices

The networking of medical devices through IoT technologies is one of the most advanced applications in healthcare and offers numerous advantages. By integrating sensors and communication functions into medical devices, they can be connected to each other and to other IT systems in the facility. This creates a seamless network that captures, monitors and shares important medical data in real time. This enables a comprehensive picture of a patient's condition to be obtained and informed clinical decisions to be made. This in turn can increase patient safety and improve the quality of medical care.

5. Air Quality Monitoring

IoT sensors monitor the air quality in rooms. In doing so, they record the temperature, air humidity, CO2 and volatile organic compounds. In this way, infection risks can be detected at an early stage and appropriate measures can be initiated. Real-time warnings enable quick reactions or the automated control of air supply and exchange.


Digitalisation in healthcare and the integration of IoT solutions offer enormous potential to improve the efficiency, quality and safety of patient care. From precise temperature monitoring of medicines, samples and food in pharmacies to real-time monitoring of patients' vital signs through networked medical devices - the possibilities are many. Automating and networking buildings also makes for more efficient use of resources and increased safety. The monitoring of indoor air quality by IoT sensors helps to detect infection risks at an early stage and to take appropriate protective measures. Digitalisation and IoT solutions thus play an important role in the transformation of healthcare towards a connected, efficient and safe environment for patients and medical staff.

IoT architecture: The layers of the Internet of Things

An introduction to the different layers of IoT architecture and how they work together to connect the physical world with the digital world.

The Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that makes it possible to connect objects in an unprecedented way. The data collected as a result enables us to make better decisions or automate processes. However, the IoT is not a single technology, but many technological layers that interact to form the Internet of Things. In this article you will learn more about the architecture of the IoT and its different layers.

The layers of the IoT architecture

The Internet of Things is multifaceted and comprises a number of components and technologies that work together to enable the networking of objects. We roughly distinguish between layers in the physical world and layers in the digital world. In between there is a connectivity layer that connects the two worlds. In the following, we will go into more detail about the levels and the associated components and technologies.

Physical world

In most cases, additional hardware is needed to network an object and thus integrate it into the Internet of Things. This hardware is attached to the object in order to network the physical world, i.e. all real objects.

Physical objects

At the beginning there is always an object to be networked. In the industrial context, this is usually vehicles, transport containers, devices and tools, production machines or conveyor belts. Networking these objects enables better monitoring and control of processes as well as optimised maintenance and servicing.

Sensors and actuators

In order to collect data from a physical object or its environment, sensors are required, which are either attached to the objects in the form of trackers, data loggers or beacons or are already in the electronics of an object. Depending on the requirements, the sensors can record various physical parameters, from temperature and humidity to movement and vibration.

Actuators are components that trigger actions, i.e. control objects, on the basis of recorded data. The actuators can take on different forms depending on requirements. For example, they can be used as a switch for activating the air conditioning at a higher temperature or as a motor that closes windows when it rains.


The connectivity layer is the layer that networks the devices with each other or connects them to the internet to transmit the data. Depending on the application, various network protocols such as WiFi, Bluetooth , NB-IoT or LoRaWAN is used. The aim of this level is to connect the physical with the digital world and to ensure reliable as well as secure data transmission. Some solutions have the option of sending data via the mobile network themselves. Other solutions use intermediate instances such as smartphones or gateways for this purpose.

Digital world

The digital world of the IoT architecture enables the processing and analysis of the collected data. This enables companies to gain useful insights and derive measures from them, which in turn optimises processes, saves costs or identifies new business areas.


Analytics or data analysis is an important part of the IoT. This is because useful insights and valuable data are extracted from the large amounts of data. These insights are then used to make decisions or predict trends.

In order to use analytics successfully, the data is first collected, stored and cleaned in a data store. Then, algorithms and methods from the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence are used to identify the maintenance needs of machines or predict failures, for example.

Digital services

The final level of digital services brings together the possibilities of the previous levels, structures them and presents them in so-called IoT platforms. The data is usually presented in clear dashboards in web applications or apps. This is where the actual customer benefit is generated. This is where the customer gets a complete overview of his networked objects. For example, the locations of vehicles are visualised here, machines are controlled remotely or data is visualised in order to recognise trends and patterns. This information can then be used to optimise the processes concerned, develop new products and services and ultimately make better decisions.

Dashboards enable a quick and clear presentation of the most important key figures and trends

The IoT architecture - complex and critical to success

The Internet of Things is an exciting field that offers many opportunities to automate processes and make decisions based on real-time data. However, the IoT architecture with its various technologies and components makes the Internet of Things a complex ecosystem. Since only a few companies have the necessary expertise, cooperation with an experienced IoT partner and careful planning and coordination are essential for a successful implementation.

What is a tracker and how does it work?

James Bond, der berühmte fiktive britische Geheimagent, nutzte in mehreren Filmen GPS-Tracker. So nutzte er beispielsweise im Film “A Quantum of Solace” einen GPS-Tracker um den Verbleib einer gestohlenen Handgranate zu verfolgen. Das die in Film gezeigte Technologie in der Regel nichts mit der Realität zu tun hat ist klar, doch das was lange noch als Fiktion galt, ist heute Realität und allgegenwärtig. Ob im Fitness, um das Haustier zu finden oder das Auto nachzuverfolgen, die kleinen Helfer sind in vielen Bereichen unseres Lebens zu finden. Aber was sind Tracker eigentlich und wie funktionieren Sie?

A tracker is a combination of software and hardware that collects and monitors data to track movements in the real world. There are many types of trackers that can be used in different environments. For example, they are used to track objects, display real-time location information or monitor vehicles.

How does it work?

A tracker is basically a hardware combination consisting of sensors, telematics and an energy supply. The sensors record physical parameters such as temperature or acceleration. Corresponding telematics modules ensure that the data can be forwarded, while the energy supply in the form of a battery or accumulator ensures that the device can be operated wirelessly.

In most cases, the data is forwarded to a cloud platform via a receiving station. Receiving stations can be a server, a smartphone, a Gateway or any other device connected to the internet. The cloud platforms then store and analyse the data in real time and visualise the data in clear dashboards.

The type of tracking solutions varies depending on the provider and the use case. Some solutions offer basic functions such as monitoring location data or movement records; others are very powerful and offer real-time visualisation and detailed reporting functions. Choosing the right solutions thus depends on the use case - so it is important to check which function is best suited for your specific case.

Was ist ein Tracker? Eine Hand hält einen etwa 40x40 mm kleinen Tracker vor die Kamera. Im Hintergrund ist unscharf eine Baustelle zu erkennen.
The LoRa tracker for monitoring devices and goods from SenseING

What is a tracker used for?

Trackers are useful for many different purposes, including:

  • Tracking of goods and deliveries;
  • Preparation of traffic statistics;
  • Detection of accidents;
  • Locating vehicles;
  • Review of progress in achieving specific goals;
  • Documentation of temperature;
  • Precise timing for sporting competitions, etc.

Basically, it can be said that they help to increase resource efficiency and improve employee productivity - which can ultimately help to uncover cost-saving potential and boost sales figures. Therefore, they have become indispensable in many ways.

Now that you've learned more about what trackers are and how they work, you're probably curious about how you can use trackers in your business. Whether you want to document temperatures or track items, there are a variety of applications for trackers.

Contact us now to find out more about our trackers.

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Five reasons for the digitization of the construction industry

Digital processes are changing all areas of our lives at an incredible speed. However, one area in which digitization is still making slow progress is the construction industry. In this article, we will show you why you should not miss out on digitization in the construction industry and what potential it holds.

The signs are pointing to change in all sectors, but in the construction industry, the shift toward automated processes and real-time reporting is off to a slow start. This is the finding of the PwC 2021 study "Digitalization, Sustainability and Corona in the Construction Industry" . According to the study, the gap between potential and capabilities has narrowed for only two out of seven digital solutions. For example, the potential for real-time reporting or IoT solutions on the construction site has also increased - but the capabilities in the construction industry have not.

What is the reason for the reluctance in the construction industry?

In other industries, digitization has long been part of everyday life. But what is holding back the digital transformation in the construction industry? The survey of construction companies revealed that the lack of technical expertise was the top concern. There are also fears that there is a lack of internal acceptance for the use of new technologies. Closely followed, in third place among the challenges, is security on the Internet. (Source: PwC 2021 study "Digitalization, Sustainability and Corona in the Construction Industry")

Integration and security

At first glance, the use of new technologies seems very complex. In addition, the large number of suppliers does not exactly provide a better overview; they often only offer components of one system. But they have been around for a long time, the providers of simple sensor systems that can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure. No specialist knowledge is required for the integration or the evaluation of the data. In addition, the communication of the digital solutions is always encrypted and offers no attack surface for the security of the companies.

Five reasons to digitize your construction company

The extensive inventories and, above all, the parallel processing of many projects quickly lead to a loss of overview. It is also clear that sources of error can never be completely ruled out in the construction industry, even if work is carried out with great precision. However, the use of digital solutions can help to significantly reduce sources of error and inefficient use of resources. The following five points speak in favor of digitization:

Reduction of error sources: The use of IoT solutions relieves employees and replaces analog processes. For example, delivery bills or invoices can be automated. This saves time and costs.

General overview: An overall view of internal and external processes becomes possible. For example, the inventory can be displayed in real time and updates of devices between different projects can be displayed transparently.

Steigerung der Effizienz: Digitization ensures transparency and the efficient use of equipment.

Time and cost savings: The increased efficiency ensures faster service delivery and thus creates a more economical handling of projects. In addition, historical data can be used to optimize the inventory as needed.

Digitization can change relationships with customers. Customers who already work digitally will look for partners who are also digitized. So in order to continue to exist and grow in the market, technologies for digitization are indispensable.


Whether in planning, administration or construction - analog processes still exist in abundance. But all these analog procedures offer potential for partial or complete digitization. Obtaining information with just a few clicks, automated processes in the background, and fast communication - these are all things that make everyday work in the construction industry much more effective and efficient. Digitalization is by no means a short-lived trend, but a long-term task. Right now is the right time to join the digital transformation and get started in your company.