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Temperature monitoring in the fridge with WLAN: Why WLAN is not always the best choice

Published on 21.08.2024

Temperature monitoring in the refrigerator is crucial for the shelf life of food or the effectiveness of medication. Temperature monitoring is even mandatory, particularly in areas such as catering, hotels and healthcare, including care facilities. In recent years, monitoring with WLAN technology has become a popular solution. However, Wi-Fi is not always the best choice, especially when it comes to temperature monitoring in these demanding environments.

In this blog post, we take a closer look at temperature monitoring in the fridge with Wi-Fi and explain why other technologies such as LoRa may be more suitable.

How does the temperature control in the refrigerator work with WLAN?

Temperature monitoring in the fridge with Wi-Fi is based on the integration of a wireless sensor that continuously measures the internal temperature. This sensor sends the collected data at regular intervals via the Wi-Fi network to a connected app or a central monitoring system. Users can access this data in real time on their smartphone, tablet or computer and receive notifications if the temperature is outside the defined range. This technology enables easy remote monitoring, but requires a stable Wi-Fi connection and sufficient power supply to function reliably.

WLAN for temperature monitoring: What are the disadvantages?

WLAN is ubiquitous in many companies, so it seems obvious to use this technology for temperature monitoring in the refrigerator. However, WLAN does have some disadvantages:

  1. High energy consumption: Sending data via WLAN requires a relatively large amount of energy. This is particularly problematic with battery-operated sensors, as they require frequent battery changes.
  2. Signal range: The range of a WLAN signal can be limited in certain environments, particularly in large buildings or those with thick walls. This can mean that the refrigerator is not always reliably monitored.
  3. Malfunctions: Interference can occur in busy WLAN networks, which can affect the stability and reliability of temperature monitoring.

LoRa as an alternative: the better choice for temperature monitoring

Technologies like LoRa (Long Range) offer some decisive advantages over WLAN when it comes to temperature monitoring in the refrigerator:

  1. Low energy consumption: LoRa is characterised by very low energy consumption. This means that battery-operated sensors achieve significantly longer operating times before a battery change becomes necessary.
  2. Long range: LoRa-Sensors offer an exceptionally long range that far exceeds that of WLAN. This is particularly advantageous in large buildings or areas with many obstacles, as the signal can easily penetrate walls and other obstructions. Another advantage is that only a few receiving stations are required for comprehensive coverage.
  3. Robustness and reliability: LoRa is known for its stable connection and low susceptibility to interference. This guarantees reliable temperature monitoring, even in environments with many other radio signals.
  4. Scalability: With technologies such as LoRa, many sensors can work together in a network without compromising performance. This is particularly advantageous if a business needs to monitor several fridges or freezers.

Conclusion: Choose the right technology for your refrigerator monitoring

While Wi-Fi can be a viable solution for temperature monitoring in many situations, technologies such as LoRa are often the better choice, especially when it comes to range, energy efficiency and reliability. They offer a robust and scalable solution that meets the specific requirements of temperature monitoring in refrigerators.

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