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Cooperation with the WGKD

Published on 18.06.2024

Church facilities benefit from the SenseING complete service for temperature monitoring

The Wirtschaftsgesellschaft der Kirchen in Deutschland (WGKD) is a central organisation that supports church, diaconal and social institutions in the procurement of goods and services. With its broad network and expertise, the WGKD helps its members to purchase efficiently and cost-effectively through attractive framework agreements and partnerships.

WGKD members as versatile customers

The Protestant and Catholic churches are not only active in traditional church organisations, but also maintain a large number of social institutions such as kindergartens, hospitals, youth and retirement homes and care services. In the welfare organisations alone, they employ around 1.3 million people. Our solutions are therefore not only aimed at churches, but primarily at care homes, day care centres and other social institutions.

The challenge of temperature documentation

Wherever temperature-sensitive goods are stored, temperatures must be monitored and documented. This includes foodstuffs that require refrigeration and medicines. Members of the WGKD, such as hospitals, retirement and nursing homes, must also monitor and document storage temperatures:

  • Regulations for the storage of medicines:In order to ensure the efficacy and safety of medicines, they must be stored under constant temperature conditions. Deviations can lead to loss of quality or even unusability. According to § 11 (1) No. 10 of the Heimgesetzes nursing home operators must ensure that medicines are stored properly and in relation to the residents.
  • Regulations for the storage of food:Precise temperature control is also essential for food to ensure freshness and safety. Incorrect storage can have harmful effects on health. The German Society for Hospital Hygiene writes in the Hygiene requirements when handling food in hospitals, care and rehabilitation facilities stipulates that a daily temperature check and documentation of foodstuffs requiring refrigeration must be carried out.

It should also be noted that once-daily documentation only represents a snapshot and does not record continuous temperature curves. In addition, manual documentation with pen and paper is very error-prone due to the high workload and ties up human resources that are urgently needed elsewhere.

The solution: Automated temperature monitoring

SenseING's automated temperature monitoring offers an efficient solution to the challenges of temperature documentation. Our aim is to relieve the burden on care staff and eliminate time-consuming and error-prone paper documentation to save valuable time. Our advanced solution can be used in medicine and food refrigerators as well as in patient rooms and is ready for use in just a few steps. After commissioning, temperature sensors in conjunction with our software ensure precise and continuous monitoring and documentation of temperatures.

Temperaturüberwachung Kühlschrank: Das Bild zeigt eine Person, welche einen Sensor in einen geöffneten Medikamenten Kühlschrank einlegt.

To make things as easy as possible for the organisations, SenseING acts as a full-service provider:

  • SenseING provides the necessary hardware and software
  • We take care of the maintenance and recalibration of the devices
  • PDF reports are generated automatically or on demand
  • In the event of critical deviations, our alarm system informs the customer by e-mail, SMS or voice call

With SenseING, you can be sure that your temperature monitoring is always precise and reliable, while you can concentrate on the essential tasks.

More information

For more information about our co-operation with the WGKD and the benefits of automated temperature monitoring, visit our WGKD page: WGKD-SenseING

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