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Donations for the Kinderschutzbund

Veröffentlicht am 08.12.2021

As part of the summer festival in September, SenseING GmbH collected donations for the Kinderschutzbund Ortsverbund Karlsruhe e.V.

Doing good in the region, a goal that SenseING GmbH has pursued from the very beginning. For this purpose, donations were collected for the Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Karlsruhe e. V. gesammelt. Außerdem spendet die SenseING GmbH fünf SenseKit.indoor zur Überwachung der Luftqualität in den Räumlichkeiten des Kinderschutzbundes.

SenseING GmbH sammelt Spenden für Kinderschutzbund

With the donated money, the Kinderschutzbund would like to make a drum course possible for the Albschule Karlsruhe . The Albschule Karlsruhe is a special education and counseling center with a focus on mental development. The course enables the children to develop their self-confidence and to reduce existing fears and frustrations. It also promotes the perception and expression of emotions.

In order to finance the course, another 400€ are needed, which is why we are making an appeal for donations together with the Kinderschutzbund. You can also support the project.

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