Collaboration between startups and medium-sized companies offers great potential. Short development cycles, high innovation potential and dynamic teams bring a breath of fresh air to medium-sized companies. Nevertheless, collaboration rarely comes about.
The event "Mittelstand meets Startup" at HubWerk01 – Digital Hub Region Bruchsal e. V. was about exactly this topic. Together with the company Peter Gross Bau war SenseING zu Gast und stellte die Zusammenarbeit sowie das daraus entstandene Sensor-System “träck“, welches zukünftig in der Baubranche eingesetzt werden soll.
With their guest contribution, Peter Gross and SenseING provided an ideal example of the previous presentation by innoWerft Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Walldorf Stiftung GmbH. They explained why it can be worthwhile to realize development projects with a startup. Afterwards, all startups were given the opportunity to introduce themselves in a 30-second pitch. Anyone who had questions could then visit the startup at the information booths.