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What is a tracker and how does it work?

Published 10.01.2023

James Bond, the famous fictional British secret agent, used GPS trackers in several films. For example, in the film "A Quantum of Solace"a GPS tracker to track the whereabouts of a stolen hand grenade. It is clear that the technology shown in films usually has nothing to do with reality, but what was long considered fiction is now reality and ubiquitous. Whether in fitness, to find the pet or to track the car, the little helpers can be found in many areas of our lives. But what are trackers actually and how do they work?

A tracker is a combination of software and hardware that collects and monitors data to track movements in the real world. There are many types of trackers that can be used in different environments. For example, they are used to track objects, display real-time location information or monitor vehicles.

How does it work?

A tracker is basically a hardware combination consisting of sensors, telematics and an energy supply. The sensors record physical parameters such as temperature or acceleration. Corresponding telematics modules ensure that the data can be forwarded, while the energy supply in the form of a battery or accumulator ensures that the device can be operated wirelessly.

In most cases, the data is forwarded to a cloud platform via a receiving station. Receiving stations can be a server, a smartphone, a Gateway or any other device connected to the internet. The cloud platforms then store and analyse the data in real time and visualise the data in clear dashboards.

The type of tracking solutions varies depending on the provider and the use case. Some solutions offer basic functions such as monitoring location data or movement records; others are very powerful and offer real-time visualisation and detailed reporting functions. Choosing the right solutions thus depends on the use case - so it is important to check which function is best suited for your specific case.

Was ist ein Tracker? Eine Hand hält einen etwa 40x40 mm kleinen Tracker vor die Kamera. Im Hintergrund ist unscharf eine Baustelle zu erkennen.
The LoRa tracker for monitoring devices and goods from SenseING

What is a tracker used for?

Trackers are useful for many different purposes, including:

  • Tracking of goods and deliveries;
  • Preparation of traffic statistics;
  • Detection of accidents;
  • Locating vehicles;
  • Review of progress in achieving specific goals;
  • Documentation of temperature;
  • Precise timing for sporting competitions, etc.

Basically, it can be said that they help to increase resource efficiency and improve employee productivity - which can ultimately help to uncover cost-saving potential and boost sales figures. Therefore, they have become indispensable in many ways.

Now that you've learned more about what trackers are and how they work, you're probably curious about how you can use trackers in your business. Whether you want to document temperatures or track items, there are a variety of applications for trackers.

Contact us now to find out more about our trackers.

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