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Author: Ivo Frank


SenseING GmbH erreicht den 3. Platz beim Wirtschaftspreis Schwarzer Löwe 2024

Die SenseING GmbH freut sich über den 3. Platz in der Kategorie „Gründer“ beim Schwarzen Löwen 2024. Diese Auszeichnung würdigt die innovative Lösung des Unternehmens im Bereich der Temperaturüberwachung von kühlpflichtigen Gütern im Gesundheitswesen. Sie bestätigt das Unternehmen in seinem Ansatz, Technologie und Marktfähigkeit zu verbinden, um den sich ständig ändernden Anforderungen der Branche gerecht zu werden.

Der Schwarze Löwe hat sich als einer der wichtigsten Wirtschaftspreise in Baden-Württemberg etabliert. Er bietet eine Plattform, um unternehmerische Leistung und Innovation zu fördern und herausragende Geschäftsmodelle auszuzeichnen. In einem von Unsicherheit geprägten Jahr setzen Wirtschaftspreise wie dieser ein positives Zeichen und tragen dazu bei, den Unternehmen in der Region Anerkennung zu verschaffen.

Geschäftsführer Sven Kruse und Ivo Frank, Marketing, bei der Verleihung des Wirtschaftspreises Schwarzer Löwe 2024.

Bedeutung des Preises für SenseING

Für die SenseING GmbH ist der 3. Platz eine Bestätigung der eigenen Innovationskraft und Marktfähigkeit. Durch die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Produktes und Geschäftsmodells konnte sich das Unternehmen erfolgreich am Markt behaupten. Dazu hat auch die Fähigkeit beigetragen, flexibel auf sich ändernde Marktbedingungen zu reagieren. Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Anpassungsfähigkeit und technologischer Kompetenz, die sowohl in Krisenzeiten als auch in stabileren Phasen von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Gewinner

Die SenseING GmbH gratuliert den Gewinnern der Kategorie Gründer, der Optocycle GmbH und der Proservation GmbH, zu ihren herausragenden Leistungen und innovativen Lösungen. Der Wettbewerb hat erneut gezeigt, wie vielfältig und dynamisch die Gründerlandschaft in Baden-Württemberg ist. Es war uns eine Ehre, Teil dieses hervorragenden Teilnehmerfeldes zu sein.

Wirtschaftspreise als Innovationsmotor

In einer für Unternehmen herausfordernden Zeit leisten Wirtschaftspreise wie der Schwarze Löwe einen wichtigen Beitrag. Sie setzen positive Impulse und fördern unternehmerische Spitzenleistungen. Sie bieten nicht nur Anerkennung, sondern auch eine Plattform für Dialog und Austausch zwischen den Akteuren der Wirtschaft. Die SenseING GmbH wird auch in Zukunft mit innovativen Lösungen zur Effizienzsteigerung im Gesundheitswesen beitragen und ihre Marktposition kontinuierlich ausbauen.

Combined product power: Innovative cold chain monitoring from SenseING and TKT

The demands on the logistics of temperature-sensitive products are constantly increasing - especially in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In order to improve the safety and efficiency of cold chain logistics, SenseING and TKT have combined their strong products to offer an innovative solution: the solar-powered SNC-PV data logger is now available as an integral part of TKT's robust thermal containers. This cooperation opens up completely new possibilities for the seamless monitoring and optimisation of cold chains worldwide.

TKT insulated containers in use worldwide

As the market and quality leader with over 40 years of experience, TKT sets standards in the construction of stable and durable thermal container. These offer customer-orientated solutions for the safe transport of fresh and frozen food and enable cold storage refrigeration to be transported effectively to the customer - the cold chain remains intact for 24 hours even in the event of traffic jams.

Thanks to their flexible application options, expensive refrigerated lorries are often no longer necessary, which reduces fleet costs. The hermetically sealed containers make it possible to hygienically transport non-perishable foodstuffs as well as refrigerated goods, which makes route planning much easier.

Solar-powered data logger for monitoring TKT thermal containers

Particularly in sectors such as food and pharmaceutical logistics, seamless monitoring of the cold chain is crucial. The joint solution from SenseING and TKT offers a significant improvement here: the Datalogger SNC-PV replaces manual documentation processes and automates the recording of temperature data. This enables simple and safe handling as well as seamless traceability.

What makes this solution so special?

Our collaboration offers a wide range of benefits that make handling large container pools and sensitive goods much easier:

  • No need to change batteries thanks to photovoltaic technology
    The solar-powered SNC-PV data logger eliminates the need to change batteries. For companies with thousands of containers, this means enormous time and cost savings.
  • Automated documentation and real-time data transfer
    The temperature data is transmitted automatically and in real time to a central system via the mobile phone network. This reduces manual effort and the data can be retrieved at any time.
  • Cost reduction through optimised processes
    Automation and more efficient monitoring lead to significant cost savings and improve the efficiency of the entire supply chain.
  • Seamless integration into existing systems
    The solution can be easily integrated into existing logistics systems, allowing companies to monitor and control their cold chain in real time.

A pioneering innovation for cold chain logistics

The combination of TKT's proven thermal containers with SenseING's innovative solar-powered temperature loggers creates a revolutionary solution for monitoring the cold chain. This technology enables automated and continuous monitoring, ensuring maximum efficiency and safety.

The partnership between SenseING and TKT stands for pioneering technologies that meet the requirements of modern logistics. Together with our customers, we are shaping the cold chain logistics of tomorrow.

Medication safety in care: temperature monitoring

How an automated temperature monitoring solution ensures medication safety in care facilities

In addition to correct use, the safety of medicines depends to a large extent on correct storage. In order to maintain efficacy and avoid side effects, it is therefore essential to store medicines under optimal conditions and carefully monitor the temperature. Particularly in care facilities where vulnerable residents are cared for, there can be no compromises here. A digital and integrated temperature monitoring solution can make a decisive contribution here.

How should medication be stored?

Once the medicines have arrived, they must be moved immediately to the prescribed storage locations to ensure their effectiveness and protect them from unauthorised access. The temperature sensitivity varies depending on the type of medicine, so it is important to allocate them correctly to the appropriate storage locations. In general, there are three temperature ranges for transport and storage:

Temperature rangeDescriptionTemperaturspanne
Room temperatureUsual storage for most medications15 to 25 degrees Celsius, in special cases up to 30 degrees Celsius
FridgeFor medicines requiring refrigeration, such as certain vaccines and insulins2 to 8 degrees Celsius
Deep-frozenFor particularly temperature-sensitive medicinesBelow -18 degrees Celsius
Source: ABDA – Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekenverbände e.V.

Strict adherence to these temperature specifications is necessary, as deviations can affect the stability of the medication and reduce its effectiveness. In order to ensure medication safety in care, facilities are obliged to check and document the storage temperatures on a daily basis.

Medication safety in care: the challenges of temperature monitoring

Temperature monitoring and documentation as part of medication safety in care is often done manually with pen and paper. This manual control is time-consuming and error-prone. The nursing staff must regularly check and document the temperature and react immediately in the event of deviations. However, a single daily measurement does not fully reflect the actual temperature profile. Short-term fluctuations or critical temperature deviations that occur between measurements often go unnoticed. In the stressful day-to-day care routine, it can also easily happen that a check is forgotten or a deviation is not noticed immediately. This significantly increases the risk for patients, as drug safety cannot be guaranteed at all times.

How automated temperature monitoring solutions increase safety

An automated temperature monitoring solution offers an automated and reliable method of monitoring the storage of medicines. By using wireless sensors that continuously monitor the temperature and report it in real time to centralised software, the entire process becomes more efficient and safer.

Temperaturüberwachung Kühlschrank: Das Bild zeigt eine Person, welche einen Sensor in einen geöffneten Medikamenten Kühlschrank einlegt.
  • Automatic monitoring around the clock: The sensors continuously monitor the temperature and automatically send the data to a central platform. Care staff no longer have to manually check the temperature.
  • Immediate notification of deviations: If the temperature leaves the defined range, an alarm is triggered immediately. The nursing staff are informed immediately by text message, email or voice call notification and can act immediately to ensure the safety of the medication.
  • Simple integration and operation: Modern temperature monitoring systems can be seamlessly integrated into the existing infrastructure and are easy to operate. Care facilities benefit from rapid implementation without time-consuming training or changeovers.

Automated temperature monitoring is an indispensable tool for care facilities to ensure medication safety. It not only protects the health of residents, but also relieves the burden on care staff and ensures reliable compliance with legal requirements. In times of digitalisation, this technology offers a future-proof solution that has already proven its worth in many care facilities.

Temperature monitoring in the fridge with WLAN: Why WLAN is not always the best choice

Temperature monitoring in the refrigerator is crucial for the shelf life of food or the effectiveness of medication. Temperature monitoring is even mandatory, particularly in areas such as catering, hotels and healthcare, including care facilities. In recent years, monitoring with WLAN technology has become a popular solution. However, Wi-Fi is not always the best choice, especially when it comes to temperature monitoring in these demanding environments.

In this blog post, we take a closer look at temperature monitoring in the fridge with Wi-Fi and explain why other technologies such as LoRa may be more suitable.

How does the temperature control in the refrigerator work with WLAN?

Temperature monitoring in the fridge with Wi-Fi is based on the integration of a wireless sensor that continuously measures the internal temperature. This sensor sends the collected data at regular intervals via the Wi-Fi network to a connected app or a central monitoring system. Users can access this data in real time on their smartphone, tablet or computer and receive notifications if the temperature is outside the defined range. This technology enables easy remote monitoring, but requires a stable Wi-Fi connection and sufficient power supply to function reliably.

WLAN for temperature monitoring: What are the disadvantages?

WLAN is ubiquitous in many companies, so it seems obvious to use this technology for temperature monitoring in the refrigerator. However, WLAN does have some disadvantages:

  1. High energy consumption: Sending data via WLAN requires a relatively large amount of energy. This is particularly problematic with battery-operated sensors, as they require frequent battery changes.
  2. Signal range: The range of a WLAN signal can be limited in certain environments, particularly in large buildings or those with thick walls. This can mean that the refrigerator is not always reliably monitored.
  3. Malfunctions: Interference can occur in busy WLAN networks, which can affect the stability and reliability of temperature monitoring.

LoRa as an alternative: the better choice for temperature monitoring

Technologies like LoRa (Long Range) offer some decisive advantages over WLAN when it comes to temperature monitoring in the refrigerator:

  1. Low energy consumption: LoRa is characterised by very low energy consumption. This means that battery-operated sensors achieve significantly longer operating times before a battery change becomes necessary.
  2. Long range: LoRa-Sensors offer an exceptionally long range that far exceeds that of WLAN. This is particularly advantageous in large buildings or areas with many obstacles, as the signal can easily penetrate walls and other obstructions. Another advantage is that only a few receiving stations are required for comprehensive coverage.
  3. Robustness and reliability: LoRa is known for its stable connection and low susceptibility to interference. This guarantees reliable temperature monitoring, even in environments with many other radio signals.
  4. Scalability: With technologies such as LoRa, many sensors can work together in a network without compromising performance. This is particularly advantageous if a business needs to monitor several fridges or freezers.

Conclusion: Choose the right technology for your refrigerator monitoring

While Wi-Fi can be a viable solution for temperature monitoring in many situations, technologies such as LoRa are often the better choice, especially when it comes to range, energy efficiency and reliability. They offer a robust and scalable solution that meets the specific requirements of temperature monitoring in refrigerators.

Promoting digitalisation in the care sector

Outpatient and inpatient care facilities have the opportunity to receive one-off financial support for the purchase of digital or technical equipment. The aim of this funding measure is to improve the quality of care, relieve the burden on care staff and increase the efficiency of care processes. By making targeted investments in modern technologies, care facilities can benefit from numerous advantages and better meet the challenges of the future.

The promotion in detail

The promotion of digitalisation in care, as described in § 8 Abs. 8 SGB XI offers care facilities a valuable opportunity to receive one-off financial support for the acquisition and implementation of digital or technical equipment. This funding is a central component of the Nursing Staff Strengthening Act (PpSG), which came into force on 1 January 2019 and aims to improve working conditions in the care sector and sustainably increase the quality of care.

Which digital technologies are eligible for funding?

The funding covers a wide range of technologies that can be used in care. These include, among others:

  • Electronic documentation: Systems that enable the digital recording and management of care data in order to make the care process more transparent and efficient.
  • Telemedicine applications: Technologies that enable the remote monitoring of patients and facilitate access to medical advice and care.
  • Assistance systems: Intelligent aids that support care staff in their work, e.g. lifting and transfer aids or intelligent care beds.
  • Communication systems: Solutions that improve communication between carers, patients and relatives, e.g. video telephony or secure messaging services.

How is the digitisation of care being promoted?

Funding in accordance with Section 8 (8) SGB XI takes the form of a one-off subsidy of up to 40%, up to a maximum of €12,000, which care facilities can apply for from the care insurance funds. In principle, the facilities must submit an application and prove that the subsidised measures contribute to improving the quality of care and relieving the burden on care staff.

Advantages of digitalisation

  • Relief for care staff: The use of digital aids can automate routine tasks and thus relieve the burden on care staff.
  • Improving the quality of care: Electronic documentation systems enable more accurate and faster recording of patient data and thus improve the quality of care.
  • Increased efficiency: Digital technologies contribute to the optimisation of care processes, which can save time and resources.
  • Better communication: Digital communication tools can improve the exchange between carers, patients and relatives.

Digitalisation in the care home:
More quality of life through modern technology

Increasing demand for care, persistent staff shortages and high demands on the safety of residents are just some of the challenges that care facilities have to face on a daily basis. Digitalisation in care homes can help here by offering innovative solutions for optimising work processes, improving care and increasing safety.  Read more


The information in this article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. We accept no liability for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the content. Care facilities should contact the relevant authorities to find out about the current funding conditions. If you have specific legal questions or concerns, we recommend that you seek expert advice.

Richtlinien des GKV-Spitzenverbandes nach § 8 Absatz 8 SGB XI

Digitalisation in care homes: better quality of life thanks to modern technology

The challenges in care homes for the elderly are manifold: increasing demand for care due to demographic change, persistent staff shortages and high demands on the safety and well-being of residents are just some of the challenges that care facilities have to face on a daily basis. Digitalisation in care homes can help here by offering innovative solutions to optimise work processes, improve care and increase safety. But what specific technologies and approaches are actually available to the care sector?

Advantages of digitalisation in retirement homes

Increasing efficiency

Digital solutions optimise work processes and relieve the burden on care staff by automating routine tasks and digitising care documentation. This enables seamless communication and coordination within the team, which leads to more efficient work processes and fewer errors.

Improving the quality of life

Technologies such as intelligent assistance systems and smart home solutions offer greater convenience and independence. Voice assistants can make everyday life easier and video telephony enables regular contact with family and friends or even doctors, which increases the well-being of residents.

More security

IoT devices and sensors increase safety through immediate notification in the event of accidents and continuous Monitoring the temperature of rooms or medicine cabinets. Fall sensors and temperature sensors help to quickly recognise and react to emergency situations, which increases the sense of security of residents and their relatives.

Possibilities of digitalisation in nursing homes

Digitalisation offers numerous innovative approaches to improving care in retirement homes. Here are some of the most important technologies and their potential applications:

Temperature monitoring & sensors

Through the use of temperature sensors can measure the temperature of medicines, foodstuffs and rooms can be continuously monitored, which is particularly important for the well-being and health of older people. These sensors alert care staff to unusual temperature deviations so that they can react quickly. In addition, sensors can also be used to monitor movement and falls in order to increase the safety of residents.

Ein kleiner quadratischer Temperatursensor wird in einem Kühlschrank platziert.


Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers can monitor important health data such as heart rate, blood pressure and activity levels in real time. This data is transmitted directly to care staff or medical professionals so that they can react quickly to changes in health. Wearables also promote residents' independence by helping them to keep a better eye on their health.

Eine alte Frau sitzt in einem Rollstuhl und blickt auf ein Tablet-PC welchen sie in ihren Händen hält.

Telemedicine/digital communication

Telemedicine solutions enable residents to attend medical consultations and examinations from the comfort of their care home. This avoids time-consuming and stressful journeys to doctors' surgeries or hospitals. Digital communication platforms also facilitate interaction between residents, carers and relatives.

Eine weibliche Pflegekraft sitz neben einer alten Frau an einem digitalen Spieletisch und zeigt darauf.

Entertainment and activation

Services such as digital activity tables, virtual walks and online courses help to keep residents mentally and physically active. These technologies not only provide entertainment, but also promote cognitive skills and social interaction. Through access to digital media, residents can also enjoy cultural and educational content, which enhances their quality of life.

Eine alte Frau sitzt in einem Pflegeheim vor einem Pflegeroboter und lächelt ihn an.


Care and assistance robots can support care staff with physically demanding tasks such as lifting and transporting residents. Robots can also perform simple tasks such as distributing medication or serving meals. In addition, social robots can serve as interactive companions that hold conversations and assist with activities, thereby promoting social interaction and the emotional well-being of residents.

Challenges and solutions

In addition to the numerous advantages, digitalisation in care homes also brings with it a number of challenges, which can, however, be overcome quite easily by service partners.

Technological hurdles

Many care facilities are struggling with an outdated infrastructure that is often not optimally equipped for modern technologies - comprehensive Wi-Fi, smartphones and tablets are often not yet available everywhere. Integrating new systems, ensuring the compatibility of devices and guaranteeing a stable and secure internet connection present additional hurdles. However, these challenges can be overcome by working together with experienced Service partners are largely mastered. Such partners offer specialised solutions and comprehensive implementation support to ensure a smooth transition.

Data protection and security

Handling sensitive health data requires special care with regard to data protection and data security. Care homes must ensure that all digital systems comply with legal data protection regulations and that data is stored and transmitted securely. This can be achieved through the use of encryption technologies, regular security checks and staff training on data protection.

Training and acceptance

In order for new technologies to be utilised effectively, training for care staff is essential. Care staff must be trained in the use of new systems and devices in order to fully utilise their potential. In addition, it is important to take measures to promote the acceptance of new technologies among residents. This can be achieved through education about the benefits of the technologies, a gradual introduction and the involvement of residents in the process.

By proactively addressing these challenges, care homes can take full advantage of the benefits of digitalisation while ensuring that the transition to new technologies goes smoothly.


Digitalisation offers care homes great opportunities to improve the quality and efficiency of care. Technologies such as temperature monitoring, wearables, telemedicine, digital communication, entertainment and robotics can increase the safety of residents and reduce the workload of care staff. However, challenges such as technological hurdles, data protection and training requirements should not be underestimated. With targeted solutions and careful planning, however, these challenges can be successfully overcome. Even if it may seem that digitalisation could replace staff, it actually serves to supplement and relieve them. The digitalisation of documentation processes in particular frees up valuable time for staff, which they can use for direct resident care - where it counts most.

Heat protection plan: How to monitor temperatures in real time

Temperatures will continue to rise in the future - and with them the effects of heat on those in need of care and care staff. High temperatures can pose a serious threat, especially in summer. A well thought-out heat protection plan is therefore essential. In this blog post, you will learn how you can monitor temperatures in real time as part of a heat protection plan and thus protect care recipients, care staff and temperature-sensitive goods.

What is a heat protection plan?

A heat protection plan is a systematic approach to minimise the effects of heat. It includes measures such as adapting drinking behaviour, clothing or offering active cooling agents to protect the health of patients and care staff. Continuous monitoring of the room temperature is also an important part of a heat protection plan. This is the only way to react in good time and take measures to prevent overheating.

Check temperatures

Regularly checking the room temperature is essential for an effective heat protection plan. It is important to not only keep an eye on the outside temperatures, but also the temperatures inside the rooms. High room temperatures can be particularly dangerous for people in need of care, who often have a reduced ability to thermoregulate. You should therefore check and document the room temperatures several times a day. In addition to the room temperatures as part of heat protection, the temperatures of medicine cabinets and food must also be checked and documented in accordance with regulations, which entails additional work.

The challenge of high personnel costs

However, manually monitoring temperatures can be very time-consuming. Care staff are often already very busy and have little capacity to regularly check and document temperatures. In addition, manual temperature measurement only provides snapshots, which are often not meaningful enough in connection with the storage of food and medication. Manual documentation involves a great deal of bureaucracy and is prone to errors. Continuous temperature recording is therefore essential to ensure that temperatures are always within safe ranges.

Temperaturüberwachung Kühlschrank: Das Bild zeigt eine Person, welche einen Sensor in einen geöffneten Medikamenten Kühlschrank einlegt.

Solution: Automated monitoring through sensor technology

The solution to this problem is the automated monitoring of temperatures using sensors. With modern sensors, you can continuously monitor room temperatures or the temperatures in medicine cabinets and refrigerators. These sensors measure the temperature and send the data to a platform. This gives you an overview of the current temperatures at all times and allows you to react immediately if necessary. Such an approach makes the implementation of a heat protection plan much more effective and relieves the burden on care staff considerably.

Sample action plan

Some municipalities and federal states already have heat action plans that contain all the important steps and measures that should be included in a heat protection plan. You can download these plans and adapt them to your individual needs: Overview of published heat action plans

A well-developed heat protection plan is essential to ensure the health and safety of patients and carers. Utilise the possibilities of automated temperature monitoring to effectively implement your heat protection plan. This way, you are well prepared for the hot days.